Be Yourself - Everybody Else is Already Taken
Be yourself but grow yourself! Capitalise on every gift you've been given.
Don't waste your talents and strengths by not developing them. Utilise and revel in every capacity you possess. You have more possibilities than you have revealed so far.
Stop comparing your weaknesses to other people's strengths. It will rob you of energy and confidence. Don't compare other peoples highlights on social media to your lowest moments.
It's so important to know your strengths and work on growing them. Some of our best performances come out of being aware of what we are already good at and constantly looking for ways to improve. The smallest increments of improvement in that zone can bring great results.
However, we can derail our own efforts by comparing ourselves to others; especially if we compare our weaknesses to other people's strengths. Don't do it!
Comparison can kill your energy. It can diminish your best efforts and take the joy out of ongoing growth. Be a person that simply compares your past performances to where you want to go.
Plan for ongoing incremental improvement. Be specific about the behaviours you want to practice every single day. Measure your progress. Do more repetitions. Measure your progress again.
Ensure that you get feedback from someone who has more expertise than you. Repetition without coaching or feedback may not bring the growth you want. Make yourself available and open to the input of others.
Posted in Inspirational Messages, Video, change on Aug 17, 2016
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