Fresh is Best!
After a busy start to the year, I see April as a month to refresh. I believe it’s really important to keep my energy and effervescence growing and to think about the habits that will re-invigorate me.
I must keep my focus and energy fresh to achieve my goals. Will you join me on my journey? Right now, Easter is upon us. It’s a wonderful time for self-reflection and celebration. It’s a great opportunity to renew my faith and refresh my convictions.
My faith is a great source of energy that enables me to serve others, and it’s such an important part of my life, where I am constantly seeking renewal. What do you need to renew in your life? What do you need to refresh to make this a month of progress? Which things do you need to push through to avoid roadblocks to your goals? Persevere with your daily habits and push through any obstacles that pop up.
We will progress together. Happy Easter!
Hugs from Lisa.
Posted on Apr 03, 2023
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