We Often Get What We Focus On
Christmas is fast approaching and that brings an opportunity to connect with the people you value most. Are you making plans for connection time or plans to complete work? Where do your priorities lie? We tend to get what we focus onso be encouraged to spend time planning. Putting people first makes moments matter and makes memories that reveal how much you value people.
I’m just completing a number of 12-month coaching contracts and I am in awe of how much people can change in just one year. Have you considered being coached next year? A focused effort is a fruitful thing. Life is too important to do without considered thought, planning and conscious choice. Are you living your life by design and focussing on your priorities or living in response to others’ demands and events that happen to you? Is it time to review what you have done well and what you have given your time to?
Have you sown quality time and interaction with the people you value most and into your own well-being? Do people rate higher than profit? Is loving people high on your To Do list? It may be time to review what you do and how you might do it better. Don’t be afraid to look deeply into the things that consumed your time over this year and re-evaluate for 2018.
Check out my video on the use of your technology. Could it be that technology has not been used to best effect?
Posted in relationships, values, Doing Life Better on Dec 01, 2017
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