Feedback Fuels Progress

My recent posts have encouraged us to think about what is ahead and dream about what is possible in our future. 

If you missed the short video message last week, take a moment to review it now

A fundamental building blockin the process is to think deeply about what you are doing when you are at your best. 

  • How are you behaving when you are at your best? 
  • Who are you with when you are at your best? 
  • What does your personal life look like when you are at your best? 
  • What are your health practices when you are at your best? 

It is incredibly valuable to contemplate each one of these questions and invest the time to write out your answers. What’s written should express what your life looks like when you are operating at your best. This can be inspiring!

The best time to start this process is now, while the concept is fresh and exciting. It’s also great to ask your partner or close friends for their opinion on these same questions relating to you. 

Sometimes, we don’t see ourselves as others see us, which makes it difficult to grow our self-development.

I always see myself as ‘a work in progress’ and I hope and pray that I can continue to progress all the days of my life. 

Progress often brings pleasant surprises, so we should never underestimate the benefits of taking small, simple, doable steps towards our development. 

As a professional presenter, I love getting feedback from my husband. He has seen me speak many (many!) times, so he is very sharp when it comes to giving useful feedback. He also knows when it’s the right time to give that feedback! 

My question is, how can you improve if you don’t get feedback?

Do you ask for feedback? People will be happy to give you feedback when you request it. Of course, you must be open to feedback before people consider giving it. No one wants to hurt a friend or colleague intentionally, so feedback is usually delivered cautiously.

I believe ‘you have to love people a lot to tell them the truth’.

You also need to have your best intentions for them at heart and even have an attitude of love towards them. 

Let's make some PROGRESS!

xx Lisa

The Goodness of Feedback!

“Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.” — Joyce Brothers

“Strive for continuous improvement instead of perfection.” —  Kim Collins

"Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.” ― Frank A. Clark

“There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise.” — Mary Kay Ash

“Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success. Let people see you value both feedback and ideas.”   ― Jim Trinka and Les Wallace

Posted in Motivational, personal development, Doing Life Better on Oct 03, 2023

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