Influence Like A Mother
What’s the definition of influence?
"the capacity to affect the character, development or behaviour of others"
That sounds like a mother!
One of the reasons I love the month of May is that we get to honour our mothers and anyone who has ‘mothered’ us**! My mother has been a shining example of ‘mothering’. She has not only raised three children, but she has also mothered at least twenty others.
She has sacrificially loved a lot.
Mum was raised by her resilient grandmother, Lily, who had already raised 12 other children! That’s a lot of influence. Two of her sons went to war for our country.
Mum always honoured Lily, but she also managed to honour her mother, who died at 100. She consistently honoured her for her whole adult life.
My mother was also the one who brought the whole family together.
She made sure life was celebrated in as many ways as possible. Besides family gatherings, every child and grandchild got plenty of one-on-one time.
She was generous in every way.
That had a significant influence on me.
How has your mother influenced your life? (If not your mother, then a mother figure). Mums can be taken for granted, yet they play a massive role of influence in the lives of all their kids and many of their friends.
Where do you want to exert the most influence?
How do other people talk about your influence?
Posted in Inspirational Messages, leadership on May 16, 2023