Lisa McInnes-Smith is a keynote speaker with a dynamic energy that will excite and energise your audience. Having delivered keynote speeches to more than 2 million people across 28 countries, Lisa combines her experience with expertise, bringing both motivation and significant content to her audience. A keynote speaker is the spark that ignites the fire of any successful conference, workshop or seminar. When ‘Lisa Speaks’, your event will have the ultimate spark. She engages her audience, driving positivity and confidence into your team that sustains well beyond the presentation. Her message is unforgettable and the atmosphere of your conference is established by the keynote speaker. Lisa consistently creates an atmosphere of trust and open-mindedness to inspire learning and creative thinking. Her insatiable energy engages your participants and inspires them to absorb new content and knowledge as the program develops.
Working with her clients, in Australia and internationally, Lisa develops a personalised keynote presentation that captivates the audience and achieves the conference objectives.
Expect these outcomes with Lisa as your motivational keynote speaker:
- Contagious passion and enthusiasm infused into audience members
- Engaged attendees with improved recall
- Confidence of success with a seasoned professional
- A tailored keynote address that exceeds expectations
- A real sense of fun and interactive learning
Whether it is an opening keynote speech, a challenging mid-program slot or a closing keynote address; Lisa’s adaptability makes her a perfect guest speaker at conferences and seminars of all styles and sizes. As a guest speaker Lisa encourages involvement from the audience ensuring engagement levels are maximised throughout the program.
Lisa takes the time to research and understand your business to deliver a keynote speech that speaks to the heart of your team. For a motivational keynote speaker that will understand understand your objectives and inspire an attitude to achieve them, look no further than Lisa McInnes-Smith.
Lisa has been the keynote speaker for conferences and events in a vast range of industries worldwide, to see examples of her previous work and satisfied clients, see below.